viernes, 18 de marzo de 2016

Use of ICT on Languages 2


Business activity creates jobs, builds human capital and physical infrastructure, and, of course offers a variety of products and services to consumers and other businesses.
The Economic Opportunity Series explore Four Key strategies that can be used to expand economic opportunity:
-Creating Inclusive Business Models
-Developing Human Capital
-Building Institutional Capacity
-Helps to Optimize the "Rules of the Game"

Develop of Human Capital
It improves the health, education, experience, and skills of employees.

Bulding Institutional Capacity
Strength the industry associations, market intermediaries, univesities, governments and civil society organizations.

There is enormous variation in the roles companies, depending on the industries, their particular business models, relationships, and the contexts in which they operate.

ICT in services
- Reduce transaction costs and improve precuctivity.
- Offers immediate connectivity voice, data, visual improving efficiencty, transparency, and accuracy.
- Substitute for other, more expensive means of communicating and transacting, such as physical travel.
- Increase choices in the marketplace.

ICTs increase efficiency, productivity, and access to goods, services, information, and markets.

The most important way ICT companies can expand economic opportunity is to get those technologies out there.


An effective use of ICT Education and Learning, and Experience

Information and communication technologies (ICT) have become commonplace entities in all aspects of life in the last twenty years, it has fundamentally changed the practices and procedures of nearly everything.

According to Daniels, ICTs have become within a very short time, is one of the basic building blocks of modern society.

ICT enhancing teaching and learning process
- ICTs have the potential to accelerate, enrich, and deepen skills, to motivate and engage students.
- It helps in school experience to work practices for the viability for tomorrow's workers. 
- It also helps to revitalize teachers and students. 
- Improves and develops the quality of education.

How to introduce ICT in class

According to Zhao and Cziko, three conditions are necessary for teachers to introduce ICT into their classrooms: 

1- Teachers should believe in the effectiveness of technology.
2- Teachers should believe that the use of technology will not cause any disturbances
3- Teachers should believe that they have control over technology.

ICT enhancing the quality and accessibility of education

ICT increases the flexibility of delivery of education so that learners can access knowledge anytime and from anywhere.

Students can now browse through e-books.
Or access to:
- Resource persons
- Mentors
- Experts 

ICT enhancing learning Environment
- ICT is a potentially powerful tool for offering educational opportunities.
- It changes processes of teaching and learning by adding elements of vitality to learning

- Improves the experience of the students and teachers for better results. 

ICT enhancing learning motivation

—It provides motivation to Learn.
—Learners find classes more interesting by using multi-media, like the following ones:

- Videos 
- Television
- Multimedia computer software

(combining text, sound, and colourful moving images).

ICT enhancing the scholastic performance
The direct link between ICT use and students’ academic performance has been the focus of extensive literature during the last two decades.
ICT helps students to their learning by improving the communication between them and the instructors. An example is the PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) which showed that the correlation between ICT and students’ performance is strongly and significantly positive.

ICTs for education refers to the development of information and communications technology specifically for teaching/learning purposes.


The new information and communication technlogy (ICT) and translation competence.

Translator: Someone who can use his knowledge to communicate in a different language; to transfer ideas.
Bilingual: Someone that can communicate in two languages.

Competence: A way to know what to do in different situations combinating skills, attitudes and behaviours that leads to an individual being able to perform a certain task to a given level.

What should a translator have?
- Textual and communicative competences
- Cultural and intercultural competences
- Competence about the knowledge of the theme of translation
- Proffesional and instrumental competences
- Interpersonal competence
- Good composition and production of texts.

Helpful ICT tools for translation
General tools:
-The use of corpus linguistics:
  *Acrobat reader

Specific for translators:
-Machine translation
-Computer assisted translation

Reception - Transfer - Formulation

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