viernes, 18 de marzo de 2016

Teaching Blogs

Teaching Children with Disabilities

To teach students with disabilities is very difficult, while doing it teachers must care about stuff like age, skills, activities and the way each one learn. 
Resultado de imagen para Teaching Children with Disabilities blogIn this blog we can find out a lot of interesting info, such as activities like learners' self care. 
Different disabilites such as Autism or Down Syndrome.

Teaching tough kids

Teaching tough children is one of the most difficult stuff in teaching. Most of the tough kids have a lot of troubles not just of behaviour, but in learning also. For a teacher is very difficult to interact in a normal class if one of these kids are there, the teacher has to know how to guide them and not just ignore the problem. A teacher is a mentor, someone that has to make all his students learn in a good way, and someone that has to help them in all the ways posible. 
In this blog we can see some tips for this kind of students, what we should and shouldn't do.

Teaching To Adults

Teaching adults is the total opposite of teaching kids, almost everything here is different. Every human learns in different ways from anothers, and if teaching children is difficult, to adults it can be also a very difficult challenge.
Most of adults aren't interested in learning by games or stimuli like children, so we can say is something more serious, and pragmatic. It's not a secret that our brain dicrease a little bit or too much (deppending on the person) by age, so that's another big challenge to a teacher to find effective ways of teach to adults, more if we talk of advanced age adults. 
We'll discover more about these challenges in this blog.

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